Best Pest Control SERVICES
Eradicate your home’s cockroach problems with Somerville, MA’s pest removal experts, Best Pest Control Services. We use an integrated pest management approach to eliminating cockroach populations. Roaches are a common household pest that may infest kitchens, basements and other living spaces. Research has found that cockroaches can lead to respiratory issues such as asthma.
Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown parasitic insects that feed on human blood. They are primarily found in living quarters but have also been discovered in offices, movie theaters, and retail dressing rooms. Virtually nonexistent since the 1950s, bed bugs have reemerged in the past decade as a more common household pest. Evidence to look for to determine if you have bed bugs are live or dead bed bugs, fecal staining in and around beds/bedding or sofas, or blood staining found on sheets and/or mattresses. Bed bugs are generally nocturnal insects that emerge from their harborage when they detect carbon dioxide and warmth leaving the body of the person they are feeding on. They tend to hide in small cracks and crevices in and around the areas where their host sleeps or spends ample time.
Best Pest Control Services has experienced technicians that are trained to destroy and eliminate unwanted ants, hornets, carpenter bees, yellow jackets, and wasps. Our treatment may include destroying the unwanted nests in, on or around your home by removal of the nest and/or the proper application of materials when necessary.
Please be advised that honeybees are a protected insect and their control and/or removal should be handled appropriately. We can provide you with the names of local firms that specialize in the removal of honeybee colonies.
To learn more about our insect control services, call (617) 625-4850 today.
63 Elm St. Somerville, MA 02144